

Hydrogen: The fuel of the future

Having the right mix of renewable energy is key to fulfilling the promise of our planet’s sustainable future. Hydrogen is an essential ingredient in any optimum blend of clean energy. 

Hydrogen is the most abundant element on the planet. Hydrogen power extends into your home so you can heat your home, cook food, charge your cell phone, and relax while watching television. Best of all, because solar and wind aren’t available 24 hours a day, it is low to zero carbon energy that can fill the energy gaps to keep the power flowing at peak demand times when people need energy the most. 

How it works

The power-to-gas (P2G) path

Several paths exist to produce hydrogen power. Power-to-gas converts excess renewable energies into renewable natural gas, which can be stored for peak or seasonal demands.      

What you need to know

  • Wind and solar power are excellent sources of energy, but typically, when solar fades in the evening when the need for electricity hits its peak, hydrogen can be the zero carbon energy fuel solution.
  • What we need is a way to store these and other sources of renewable energy — such as hydrogen and renewable natural gas — to fill daily and seasonal energy needs. 
  • Lithium-ion batteries are short-duration solutions, that can only store power for about 4-6 hours. If not used in that time period, the energy is no longer available (and wasted).
  • Hydrogen power through electrolysis offers a zero carbon energy source that can be stored indefinitely for whenever it is needed. 
  • Hydrogen can use the existing gas infrastructure as the world’s largest battery!


Europe andAustraliaa re doing it.H ydrogen is already beingsa fely blended into gaspipeli ne systems in Europea nd Australia
TH AT COULDBE STOREDBy 2025 California will waste between 3,300 to 7,800GWh /yr. of solar and wind power because it will beunable to store the energy.WastedE nergy
H ydrogen could be used to p ower all the rooms in your house - kitchen, laundry room, family room, bathrooms - as well as your heating and air conditioning. H ydrogenfor Home
Ble nds into the gasinfastructureH ydrogen energy can blend into thegas grid, meaning households willrequire little to no upgrades withappliances or heating furnaces.
Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles


Fuel cells are another zero-emission technology that can be used in buildings or electric vehicles.  Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) are similar to battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in that they are both zero emission and electric. The benefit of FCEVs is that it is not heavy like BEVs and provides the energy to travel long distances. Homes can benefit from stationary fuel cells generating electricity and using the heat they produce instead of relying on traditional space and water heaters. Stationary hydrogen fuel cells can also be used as backup power or off-grid power, providing green, clean, noiseless, and odorless generator power to your home during an outage.

In the news

Austin airport transitions to Renewable Natural Gas

Aided by clean energy, austin-bergstrom aims to reduce it's carbon footprint by 20%

February 3rd, 2020

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